Core Competencies
Inbound/Outbound Call Center Services | Market Research | Social Science Research | Program Evaluation | Policy and Planning | Analytics | Project Management
Inbound/Outbound Call Center Services
M. Davis and Company, Inc. (MDAC) provides inbound and outbound call center services designed to effectively manage variations in call volumes, especially during peak times. MDAC has close to 100 agents and the capability to quickly “right size” staffing to meet objectives cost effectively. MDAC has everything needed (staff, computers, training, quality control processes, secure servers, etc.) to deliver the results you need. In addition, we invest in our infrastructure and staff to assure a continuous improvement process and utilization of leading-edge technologies to facilitate operational excellence and high levels of customer satisfaction. MDAC has experience providing Business to Business (B2B) call center services and for Business-to-Business with special needs (e.g. low-income, low literacy, homeless, elderly, persons with disabilities) and hard to reach populations. Also, MDAC has experience with multi-cultural and lingual populations (e.g. Black, Hispanic, Russian, Haitian, Portuguese, Vietnamese and additional populations where English is not the primary language).
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MDAC has also successfully provided inbound and outbound call center services to many clients including the U.S. General Accountability Office (GAO), Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, state and local agencies, and health care providers. There are many projects where call center services are incorporated in the research and evaluation projects executed for our clients. In the Healthcare practice area, “Improving Health Outcomes” and “Improving the Retention of Health Plan Members” are examples of two projects that included inbound/outbound call center services. Depending on the lead time, for operations requiring more than 100 agents, we may utilize a call center partner that employs the same omni-channel platform.
Example Inbound and Outbound Call Center Services:
- Adult and Pediatric Health Risk Assessments
- Application Filings
- Appointment Setting
- License/Registration Processing
- Omni-Channel support for voice, email, chat, SMS, instant messaging, mobile app and IVR.
- Payment Reminder Calls
- Quality Control/Verification Calls
- Renewals
- Satisfaction Assessments
Professional Licensing Services
Summary: The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) provides professional licensing for anyone required to be licensed to do business in the State of Illinois. MDAC provides customer service to IDFPR constituents.
Process: The great majority of the calls are related to license renewals, license requirements, the administrative process of licensing, etc. We also handle their complaint line regarding their services or staff.
- Tier One: Typically checking status of a renewal or general FAQ’s
- Tier Two: Requires research regarding a question
- Tier Three: Checking individual status of renewal and missing documentation. Much of this research is done by accessing State database systems. In some cases, the team collaborates with IDFPR staff
Results: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) achieved into alignment and increased satisfaction levels.
Temporary Answering Services Support
Summary: The National Urban League headquarters office needed answering service support during Hurricane Sandy. MDAC telephone representatives provided the telephone support required.
Process: National Urban League calls were forwarded to MDAC telephone numbers. A MDAC live representative staffed the lines from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm EDT from Monday through Friday. Between the hours of 5:00 pm and 9:00 am EDT callers were routed to an IVR.
Results: The National Urban League was able to seamlessly receive and respond to all calls during a major emergency
Telephone Follow-Up Calls
Summary: The U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) engaged in a 5-year contract with MDAC to provide telephone follow-up services and e-mail transmissions for a multitude of projects requiring contact with businesses, school principals and administrative staff, and local election administrators
Process: Generally, the projects included some or all the following tasks:
- Training MDAC representatives to administer a script
- Obtaining contact information
- Respond to frequently asked questions (FAQs) using responses provided by GAO and real-time problem reporting
- Daily updates
- Refer requests for additional time or more detailed questions to GAO contacts and inform GAO contacts of such referrals daily
- Track the inbound/outbound calls made, responses of non-respondents’, and GAO action required
- Update databases with tracking information and contact results
Results: The projects and required deliverables were successfully completed.
The following are example deliverables:
- An individual-level dataset for all contacts that contains original as well as updated contact information
- Documentation of methods: Information about the methods including documentation of the administration methods, training of representatives, introductory statements to contacts and call back procedures
- Final dispositions and/or Key Performance Indicators
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Market Research
Since its founding in 1985, M. Davis and Company, Inc. (MDAC) has employed a variety of approaches and methodologies to provide insights to help our clients solve their most pressing challenges and improve outcomes. As a full-service market research firm with a 37-year track record, MDAC has the experience, competency, and capacity to execute marketing research projects across many industries and sectors, no matter the size or complexity.
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MDAC combines expertise in data collection and analysis with leading-edge methodological approaches. We have competency in a full range of quantitative and qualitative data-gathering methodologies, including online. Our standard approach is to first understand our clients’ unique business objectives, then create a study design to with elements perhaps not previously considered, and then provide analysis necessary to facilitate the development of the most appropriate strategies, tactics and/or actions to improve outcomes.
We specialize in reaching underserved segments of the population that are frequently left out of many research and analysis projects. These include low socioeconomic groups, communities with high concentrations of individuals with English as a second language, and individuals with disabilities. In addition, we have developed a strong reputation of success with low-incidence studies, innovative technologies, and also achieving high response rates (50% and above).
Full Service Capabilities
- Qualitative Research
- Quantitative Research
- Study Design
- Training Webinars
- Sample Development
- Survey Instrument Development and Testing
- Data Collection
- Weighting and Imputation
- Advanced Statistical Analysis
- Modeling
- Report Development
- Presentations and Consulting
Types of Research Studies
- Brand Trackers/ATUs
- Customer Satisfaction
- Customer Segmentation
- Discrete Choice Models
- Employee Surveys
- Focus Groups
- Marketing/Communication Campaign Assessments (pre/post)
- Messaging Research
- New Product/Service Evaluations
- Product Positioning Studies
- Segmentation Studies
- Usability Studies
Data Collection
- Cognitive Interviews
- Demonstration Studies
- Landline and Cell Phone Surveys
- Mail Surveys
- Online Surveys
- Mixed-Mode Data Collection
- Focus Groups
- In-depth Interviews
- Ethnographies
- Research Diaries
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Program Evaluation
In October of 2009, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget issued a Memorandum, “Increased Emphasis on Program Evaluations”:
“Rigorous, independent program evaluations can be a key resource in determining whether government programs are achieving their intended outcomes as well as possible and at the lowest possible cost. Evaluations can help policymakers and agency managers strengthen the design and operation of programs. Ultimately, evaluations can help the Administration determine how to spend taxpayer dollars effectively and efficiently — investing more in what works and less in what does not.”
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The M. Davis and Company, Inc. team is well-suited to assist federal agencies as well as other organizations in meeting these new mandates. We have extensive experience working with clients to develop, implement, and assess appropriate and cost-effective evaluation designs to best determine project outcomes and impact. Our focus is on providing practical recommendations based on a holistic view incorporating all stakeholders. Given MDAC’s ability to conduct a broad range of research using a multitude of data collection methodologies, we are able to offer our clients a complete set of methodologies and approaches to best assess project and program success.
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Policy and Planning
M. Davis and Company, Inc. has a track record in conducting and analyzing large-scale public policy studies. In the Public and Social Policy area, we have conducted surveys on housing, income assistance, community healthcare, and social welfare programs. As a minority-owned firm with a diverse staff, we bring a unique perspective to conducting surveys of special and hard-to-reach populations. These populations include those with physical disabilities, developmental/intellectual disabilities, the unhoused, low-income individuals, and minorities.
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In the Planning area, MDAC’s primary focus is on Transportation and Housing related issues. The issues studied include urban mass transit, transportation management, land use, travel forecasting, airport passenger services, private sector involvement in transportation, ride sharing, transit oriented economic development, energy constraints on transportation, ferry ridership, railroad operations, environmental impacts, community impacts, parking, and community planning. We have also developed and implemented public information and educational campaigns based on findings from the research conducted.
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For over three decades, M. Davis and Company, Inc. has been providing actionable insights based on sound statistical analysis with varying levels of rigor from top-line summaries to advanced statistical modeling techniques. Our expertise with data preparation and analysis spans over 500 research engagements, so we have the ability to both recommend the appropriate analysis for a given situation and also provide valuable critique when a client openly requests feedback on their own analytical approaches.
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Our team of senior statisticians is comfortable with a range of analyses and techniques, including but not limited to:
- Regression Analysis (including multiple regression, logistic regression, moderation, and mediation)
- General Linear Modeling
- Means Comparison (ex: ANOVA, MANOVA, MANCOVA)
- Structural Equation Modeling and Path Analysis
- Nonparametric Methods
- Non-Response Bias Analysis
- Cluster Analysis
- Principal Components and Factor Analysis
- Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Nets
- Multidimensional Scaling
- Time Series Analyses
- Survival Analysis including Cox Regression and Kaplan-Meier Analysis
- Perceptual Mapping
- Panel Analysis
- Proximity Analysis
We use a variety of statistical packages to analyze our clients’ data, including R, SAS, and SPSS. We are also equipped to develop and deploy dashboards and custom report modules to provide a discrete group of decision-makers with visibility into the important research results, organized and presented to facilitate effective decision-making.
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Project Management
At M. Davis and Company, Inc., we understand that effective project management is driven by quality systems, processes, and people. So, our projects are designed and managed to maximize both the efficient use of resources and quality controls, all while maintaining the integrity of the research and analyses.
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We assemble project teams with the requisite capability and capacity not just to meet the requirements of the prescribed tasks, but also to exceed them. The depth and breadth of market research knowledge, expertise and experience we assemble is to ensure that if one of the team members is not available to complete a specific task, other equally qualified team members will be available. This depth and breadth of talent also enables our team to undertake multiple tasks concurrently, where possible. We believe this is one key reason we have been able to achieve the timely completion of deliverables consistently, per our clients’ specification, and to mitigate issues and risks as they arise.
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Social Science Research
The research team at M. Davis and Company, Inc. has had the opportunity to examine and provide insights on some of the most important societal issues of today. Our foray into social science research is really an examination of how our society operates and why it operates a particular way, with the goal of improving the lives of our fellow citizens in some manner. Whether it is the causes of employment, the insights around public housing subsidies, healthcare for America’s veterans, the quality of life of the disabled, housing for the homeless, estimating the prevalence of drugged driving, or emergency preparedness for a particular municipality, we have provided vital information and insights to decisionmakers and policymakers at the local, state and federal level. Further, we believe that because of our reputation as a quality research organization with a strong track record, we have been able to always attract an exemplary group of subject matter experts in each of our practice areas.
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As a first step, we are often presented with a research question or hypothesis. Sometimes this is driven by the existing research on a particular social science issue, or the lack of existing research.
Our second step is to determine the design of the empirical research exercise or research study. In some cases, the research design is generated by the client, but in other cases our expert survey methodologists propose an effective design as part of our proposal.
Our third step is a translation of the research findings, once obtained, into useful information for our client. We carefully analyze and report on how our research findings may influence and impact policy and practice within the context of the original research question and hypothesis.
Our full-service capabilities in the area of social science research include the following:
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